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Showing posts from February, 2019
Hi! My name is Melanie and I normally study in Stockholm, Sweden. Right now I am doing an Erasmus exchange at Técnico in Lisbon. Together with my colleagues, I will develop a game in the Game Methdology Development course. Just like João, I did the BrainHex test! It turned out I am an Achiever-Seeker kind of player! This week we brainstorm on different game ideas and are trimming them down into one :) //Melanie
Hello I am Philipp, an ERASMUS student from Germany. Of course i like games, and i also like graphics programming. I want to learn more about game design and development! Since the course started, we all had a lot of inspirations and ideas, and i am looking forward to the next weeks. I also did the BrainHex test, and the outcome was Conqueror & Daredevil. That sounds a bit rude and brutal to me, i think the results aren't very evident in my case...

João (evoll) presentation

Hello! My name is João (nickname: evoll) and I will be one of the game developers, alongside with my colleagues. I am Portuguese and I live in Sintra. I am currently pursuing my (MEIC) Master's Degree in Cybersecurity and possibly Games now, so I've chosen to do the Game Development Methodology course. I hope to learn more about how to make good games that captivate people and make them want more of it in the end! I've done the BrainHex test (available at ) and my result was Conqueror-Achiever , as shown in the image below: A description of every class can be found in this link, just search for "BrainHex Classes" in the right tab and you'll find it: Furthermore, I would like to announce that we will be having a new group member soon, so stay tuned for our new posts! ~ evoll ~