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Everyone that tried our game, kinda liked it. We just had an small issue with the colors chosen for each respective monster, they weren't different enough!  Glad to participate in this event !!   Francisco
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This week we were at the MOJO event! People got to play our game and everyone seemed to enjoy it which was fun to see! It was also nice to try out the other group's games and see what they had done. //Melanie


MOJO was an awesome event, it was very fun to see the players test our game and it's very rewarding to see how much they liked it! It still has a lot to improve in further iterations of the game, and I personally hope it can become something better and even more enjoyable for free times. See you next semester! ~evoll~


We are officially ready for the MOJO, which is happening in a few hours! We wanted to have implemented some more features, such as the sounds and the whistle action, but unfortunately we did not have time. However, the game seems to be pretty fun to play and people that we are showing this and letting them play actually like it! Let's go! See you tomorrow @MOJO! ~ evoll ~

Friday update

We have done our poster, quick start sheet and quizz. We have also implemented a lot of the game level in these past few weeks and are working to finalize it until Tuesday. See you tuesday! ~evoll~
This week i implemented the game analytics being collected during the game, and then printed out to the console. i will work on our level a bit in the next days Philipp

weekly update

This is the last week before the MOJO and we are reviewing our plan. We are also going to improve our playtesting plan so it is as good as possible for when the time has come! Preparations as the quick start sheet, posters, etc. are being worked on! //Melanie