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Working On The Idea

Last week we had many ideas and finally chose one. In this week's lab we talked more about our idea in detail for the first time. We realized that our visions converged quite a bit, and this led to discussions, also with the professor.

Without going into the details of the concept here, my view on our game idea was that the player has to deal with the villagers (npcs) for multiple days and nights. During this time he gets to know their personalities, and learns about their preferences and interests. Like this he can make them happy during the dialogues, and so he is finally able to cure them during the night. the player character is not strong enough to defeat / weaken an angry / aggressive and therefore strong villager (in his monster transformation) during the night! Therefore the player has to survive multiple nights, and has to progress quickly during the daytime.
This also opens new possibilities for the nighttime gameplay: the player has to hide and run away from strong monsters. The player could also gradually cure all villagers, distributed over multiple nights.

My team members had other ideas, and so we are still not yet sure about the definite game concept.

But about one thing we were sure in the end of the lab: in the tech (high fidelity) prototype we will first focus on the nighttime gameplay, because in total, we agreed mostly on the gameplay concept in this part of the game. Furthermore it is easy to decouple the night part from the day part, just randomly decide on the monster's strength!

Since then i worked a bit on our shared document.

In my personal opinion, the whole game concept and idea is only a one worth developing iff the daytime gameplay is really influencing the nighttime gameplay. This mechanic and a sophisticated daytime gameplay make the whole idea an innovative one. Otherwise it will be a "survive the zombies" game like there are thousand others out there...



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