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Status update and tech feasibility

After all the discussion about the project, it converged quite nicely on the night-time and secondary concept and we have the project document almost completely finished.
While having worked tirelessly in our project document throughout this past week, I've been busy experimenting with PixiJS and other JS libraries such as ThreeJS. I think that we can easily build the web application with PixiJS and NodeJS as a possibility in case we want to make player connectivity functionality, with no actual need for a game engine. Having that said, we know that it might be a challenge to accomplish so many things as we talked about in the document, but that's why we've commited to at least work on the Night Cycle and improving it, which is already a lot of work. The Day Cycle and secondary concept (badges/achievements) are something to be thought about in the future of the game on the longer run.
As for the TODOS this next week, these are (not necessarily in order):
- Finishing up the 1st cycle project document before 13/03;
- Converging in the Day Cycle decision, because that's where our visions tend to diverge: fast-paced game with RNG on the answers or subtle hints for each answer in it. Also, the idea of making several day cycles to know each character better to prepare for the questions doesn't make me very happy because if that happens, the game won't be fast-paced and might become too easy if people can successfully remember all the "right answers". When I thought of the idea I was thinking that the player, knowing that it's 50/50, he would just choose the one answer that fits his idea the most because he knows it will be either one of them. The fun part is watching the reactions on the characters, in my opinion. Anyways, even though we don't agree on this, we agree on everything else so, as my colleagues said in the previous posts, we'll be working on the Night Cycle and the secondary concept as we discussed in and after Wednesday's class with the help of professor Carlos Martinho.
- Working on the Low-Fi prototypes;
- Decide technology to use (tech feasibility) in group;
- Develop the game.

Also, check out for this week's "talk n' play". I really wished I could go but, every week, I teach chess in Oeiras International School from 16:00pm to 17:00pm and, therefore, I won't be able to attend it 😔 maybe next time it is a Wednesday and the time schedule doesn't crash with MCP's so most people can go too! 😁

Now as always, please stay tuned for the next developments! We promise to not disappoint you!


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